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drag profile造句

"drag profile"是什么意思  
  • This shape required covering the capsule with a nose cone to maintain a low-drag profile for launch.
  • This position helps to improve aerodynamics by lowering the cyclist's torso and creating a smaller overall " drag profile ".
  • The seaplane version used a pair of floats, their low drag profile refined via Schneider Trophy experience, cross braced with a pair of horizontal transverse struts.
  • In order to match the descent rate and drag profile of the real Shuttle at, the main landing gear was lowered ( the nose gear stayed retracted due to wind load constraints ) and engine thrust was reversed.
  • You literally need a dynamometer chart for your specific car ( no two are the same-even if they are the identical model dyno'ed under identical conditions ), the gear ratios for your gearbox ( probably that's in the manufacturers spec sheets ), the time it takes you to shift ( how the heck do you measure that ? ) and the drag profile of the car at a range of speeds ( also hard to figure out ).
  • It's difficult to see drag profile in a sentence. 用drag profile造句挺难的
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